What we offer in a nutshell

  • Feeding

    We know how particular our feline friends can be which is why we always do a full consultation prior to taking any bookings. We always make sure we know what time they like to eat, where their food is kept and of course - where are the treats! Fresh food and water or milk am and pm if required.

  • Litter Changes

    Not everybodys favourite job but a vital one nonetheless. Litter will be cleaned out daily and changed fully when necessary ensuring your fur-baby is clean and fresh. All flooring etc will also be cleaned and hopefully itll still be like that when you return home :-)

  • Cuddles & Attention

    We will give your cat as much or as little attention as he or she wants! We have the knowledge and expertise to understand when a cat does or does not want attention, if they are behaving strangely or notice anything of any concern. Whilst we are in the property we can collect mail, put the bins out etc whilst you are away. Requests welcome